Rumor Refutation:Do Organs Really Detoxify According to a Schedule?

Rumor :The various organs in the human body detoxify according to a schedule.

✔/✗:This is a wrong statement

The toxins referred to here are actually excess waste products in the body.

They mainly originate from two sources: the retention of metabolic waste produced after food digestion and absorption, and the deposition of various pollutants from the environment in the body, such as lactic acid, uric acid, free radicals, and even excess fat and old, necrotic cells.

First, let’s examine the functions of these organs:

The immune system, which includes the lymphatic system, possesses detoxifying capabilities;
The liver is the primary organ in the body that breaks down toxic substances, thus also possessing detoxifying functions;
The large intestine, as an important part of the digestive system, can also be considered to have detoxifying functions, albeit to a lesser extent.
In addition, organs such as the gallbladder, lungs, small intestine, and spine have no relation to detoxification.

  • Lymphatic System: Detoxifies 24 Hours a Day

When a virus invades a part of the body, the lymphocytes in the lymph nodes use immune functions to fight the virus and protect the body.

However, the work of the lymphatic glands is continuous 24 hours a day because the secretion of lymph fluid is ongoing, which does not align with the online claim that detoxification occurs between 9-11 p.m.

If the lymphatic system only functioned at a fixed time at night, the human body would become extremely vulnerable, and many pathogens could easily compromise our health.

  • Liver: On-Demand Detoxification

Foreign substances or toxic metabolites produced by the body must be detoxified by the liver into non-toxic or highly soluble substances and then excreted through bile or urine.

For example, alcohol—specifically the ethanol in the beverages we consume—is absorbed by the stomach. Of this, 10% is excreted unchanged through the respiratory tract, urine, and sweat, while the remaining 90% is metabolized by the liver.

Therefore, relying solely on a detox schedule is clearly unreliable.