Rumor 1: There are many complications associated with orthodontic treatment, so it should be avoided if possible.
✔/✗: Incorrect statement.
In reality, the sequelae associated with orthodontic treatment are far fewer than people often perceive. When appropriate appliances and forces are utilized for correction, and patients comply well with treatment, these supposed sequelae can be completely avoided. In the case of adult orthodontic treatment, there are indeed some special considerations.
For instance, adult patients may already have periodontal disease or gingival recession, and in cases of malalignment, there may be insufficient bony support between teeth, which can lead to the emergence of “black triangle” spaces after correction.
This phenomenon is relatively common in adult orthodontic treatment, but it is not a direct consequence of the treatment itself; rather, it is a natural occurrence during the improvement of tooth alignment. To minimize the occurrence of these issues, orthodontists will take into account the impact on the periodontium and tooth roots during treatment, employ gentle orthodontic forces, and control the duration of treatment to reduce adverse reactions.
Rumor 2: Orthodontic treatment cannot be done after a certain age because the teeth and bones have already set.